Have you been struggling to take a walk around the block because you can’t find the right shoes? Or does every type of footwear, whether it be boots or sneakers, leave your feet in agony?
Foot pain is a common problem and can severely reduce one’s quality of life. While there are many methods of pain relief that vary depending on the issue, these are typically short-term solutions to a chronic problem. Even those inserts at the local pharmacy will fail to provide comfort after a few uses.
If you’ve seemed to try everything, it may be time to look into
custom orthotics. These specialized shoe inserts are fitted by a medical professional and designed to accommodate your footwear needs. Regardless of your issue, you should consider custom orthotics as a long-term solution to chronic foot pain.
How they work
Custom orthotics work by providing comfort and support to your feet — and they are specifically fitted to help you regain a full range of motion.
For example, if you have flat feet then your custom orthotics will be designed to provide you with optimal arch support. If you have plantar fasciitis, then your custom orthotics will be extremely cushioned to prevent friction and pressure on the bottom of your feet when walking.
Although it might seem simple, custom orthotics work because they are unique to you! Unlike the generic inserts at the store, custom orthotics are fitted by a medical professional whom you will continue to work with after initial use. They will ensure that the orthotics are providing you with relief and addressing your issue.
The benefits of custom orthotics
One of the primary benefits of custom orthotics is that they provide foot support. Even if your feet aren’t a particular source of discomfort, custom orthotics can still add a much-needed cushion to your feet when walking. These specialized inserts can also be inserted into almost any type of closed-toe footwear.
As mentioned before, another benefit of these devices is that they offer effective pain relief. While custom orthotics have been known to relieve pain associated with numerous structural issues of the foot, they can also be used to relieve topical conditions (such as diabetic foot ulcers or painful calluses). Again, once diagnosed by a medical professional, they will fit you for your orthotics and ensure the design takes your condition into account.
Improved athletic performance is another benefit of custom orthotics. Since athletes are constantly on their feet and moving about, their feet are bound to get tired and sore. Between training and attending numerous matches, foot soreness is a common complaint amongst athletes of almost any age.
Custom orthotics can boost the performance of athletes by relieving some of the pressure and stiffness in their feet. This will give the athlete a greater range of motion and allow him or her to exceed in their sport of choice.
Getting started
Are you ready to achieve the maximum level of foot comfort? Have you already started wondering where to find
orthotics near you? If so, it might be time to visit our team at Dahl Family Chiropractic.
Our trained professionals at Dahl Family Chiropractic know how important foot health is. After digitally scanning your feet, we can provide you with custom made orthotics. Not only will you find that your discomfort has been alleviated, but your quality of life will drastically improve.